Welcome to Scholz
your moving and furniture logistics expert from Berlin. Our team provides you with services ranging from consulting, moving/relocation planning, and smooth execution to storage of furniture and files as well as delivery and professional installation of high quality furniture systems. Here, we strive to impress our customers in every respect with top performance. No matter whether you are entrusting us with a handful of things or millions of them – whatever is humanly possible, we will achieve. That is why for roundabout 75 years people already know that "Things move with Scholz" – find out for yourself.
Rainer Scholz

Sehr geehrte, kompetente Tischler, Möbelmonteure, Küchenmonteure, Montageleiter, Kundenbetreuer, Disponenten und engagierte Azubis (m/w),
wir suchen Sie und freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf 030 476 90 8 22.